Birth date: 05/2023
Sex: Male, neutered.
Colour: Orange.
Health: Vaccinated and microchipped.
,This little ginger is Sammy! He is the only one of his brothers and sisters, that turned out orange. So, he is extra special 🙂 He is quite shy with new people and not so much into being stroked, but he just needs a little bit more time than other cats. Apart from that you will see that Sammy is curious and will always stay close to you to see what’s going on and if you will play with him. He likes to chase and catch toys like plush mice and balls. He also likes to play with the other young cats and would benefit from being adopted with one of his siblings or another young cat. For our shy cats like Sammy we also welcome new volunteers to play and spend time with them.
Available for sponsorship. Please contact us.
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