Birth date: 2021 (estimated)
Sex: Male, neutered.
Colour: Black and white.
Health: Vaccinated and microchipped. Felv positive.
Peter has been living at the shelter for a few months and is still very shy. But he has shown us that with time and a slow approach, he gains trust and lets us come close enough to feed him a treat. For him and our other shy cats we always welcome new volunteers, who help our cats to establish confidence and get ready for their forever homes.
Peter is Felv positive and is welcome to live at the shelter forever. But at the moment he is fine and there is a chance that the virus will never break out and that he can live a long life. So, if we could find a good forever or longterm foster home for Peter, we would be delighted. Please note, that Peter has to be an indoor cat, but a balcony or enclosed garden would be great for him. Peter is friendly with other cats.
Sponors for our Felv positive cats like Peter are also a great help, so that we can buy them high quality food.
Available for sponsorship. Please contact us.
Sponsor me!
You can help pay for my care at the shelter by sponsoring me. It is only 10 euros per month and you can cancel at any time. Click on the button below to go to Paypal to set up the sponsorship. Thank you!