Gatos para adoção



Bobby and Milly
Bobby and Milly
Bobby and Milly
Bobby and Milly
Bobby and Milly

Data de nascimento: 2018

Sexo: Masculino, Castrado

Cor: Tigrada.

Saude: Vaccinado e Microchipado. Felv positivo.

Don’t let Bobby’s face fool you! He always looks quite serious, but he really enjoys company. You can see how excited he gets, when he realizes that you come to visit him. Then he will happily wait to get his head stroked, brush against your legs and asks you for treats. He also likes to play, his big mouse and the tunnel are his favourite toys. With other cats he is fine, as long as they are calm and don’t approach him too fast. If they do (like his current room mate Gatsby), he sometimes hits them. But in calm moments you will see him napping peacefully beside them. He is really easy-going.
Bobby is Felv positive and is welcome to live at the shelter forever. But he has already been here two years and is still fine. There is a chance that the virus will never break out and that he can live a long life. So, if we could find a good forever or longterm foster home for Bobby, we would be delighted. Please note, that Bobby has to be an indoor cat, but a balcony or closed garden would be great for him.
Please get in touch with us, if you are interested in adopting Bobby or becoming a foster home. Volunteers, who spend time with our Felv+ cats, are also welcome and sponsors, so that we can buy high quality food for Bobby.
Disponível para patrocínio. Por favor, entre em contato conosco.

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Pergunte sobre e conheça ao Bobby.

Olá, futuro proprietário!

Obrigado por olhar minhas informações. Se você está interessado em adotar, patrocinar ou me conhecer, por favor, preencha o formulário de contato acima.

Love, Bobby.