Arrival date: 13/05/2024
Maat:Klein (40cm)
Weight: 13.9 kg
Geslacht: Reu, gecastreerd
Ras: Kruising
Date of Birth: 01/05/2019
Staart: Lang
Goed met katten?:Onbekend
Gezondheid: Ingeënt, ontwormd
Scot was found wandering on the road, he had hardly any hair on his back due to a severe flea allergy. This has now been remedied as you can see from the photos he has a beautiful coat now. He was obviously badly treated and panics if he gets his leg caught in the lead, for example. He is good with most dogs but not large uncastrated male ones.
Rebecca Kaiser-Sartorius
Alix Campbell
Pia Greinacher
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